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Dumped rubbish

Reported via mobile in the Fly Tipping category anonymously at 18:30, Monday 20 January 2025

Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 7007975.

Please can someone address this problem. There is persistent dumping of rubbish on the corner of Dunblane Road and Well Hall Road. This continues day in and day out which is unacceptable for the residents in the local area. For over a year now we have asked you to find a solution for this persistent dumping as refuse bins are required for the residence who live above the shops onwards Hall Road. You have ignored us and this cannot go on any longer. Please do the right thing and issue an appropriate bin for this rubbish. We are very proud of our road and many residents are proud of their properties and do not deserve to be treated with this lack of respect from the local council.

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    Posted by Royal Borough of Greenwich at 07:30, Tuesday 21 January 2025

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