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Household rubbish and roof insulation

Reported via iOS in the Fly Tipping category anonymously at 09:06, Thursday 9 January 2025

Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6954780.

Hustle rubbish cabinets and roofing insulation is still lying in the middle of this green walkway. It has been kicked around throughout the green walkway now with Cairns bottles and everything now being kicked onto the walking pavement as well as the green walkway and against the walls it is starting to look like an actual living rubbish dump. It’s absolutely disgusting disgusting I’ve reported this two months ago and the council has still not come to collect it it is continuous and it is starting to look like living in a rubbish dump. This has been a continuous problem either there should be a no no flight been signed being put up here or there should be a rubbish bin provided by the council so people have a place to rubbish the wind blows the rubbish Everywhere. This foxes are digging around in the rubbish bins that people are putting down on the rubbish bags people are putting down.

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  • State changed to: Fixed

    Updated by Royal Borough of Greenwich at 08:35, Friday 10 January 2025

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