Inadequate and dangerous new street signs
Reported via mobile in the Road traffic signs category anonymously at 11:41, Sat 7 December 2024
Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6830735.
The LTN signage prohibiting a left turn at peak hours by vehicles from Station Crescent into Westcombe Hill is dangerously incompetent. There is no early warning of the recent prohibition as you approach the junction. The signage (which is ambiguous even when visible) is obscured by fencing and foliage and its positioning means it’s invisible until you begin the turn. This means having to reverse or perform a dangerous U-turn, risking collisions as other drivers coming down the hill also have to do likewise at the last moment due to the abscence of early warning signs at the top of the hill (the closure is at a narrow pinch-point at the bottom of Westcombe Hill)
State changed to: Fixed
Updated by Royal Borough of Greenwich
at 10:45, Mon 9 December 2024
Still open, via questionnaire, 23:32, Monday 6 January 2025
Having reported two dangerously incompetent sets of street signage, I’m astonished that the Council response, posted within less than a couple of hours the next working day, is to report the problem as “fixed” without anything actually being done to addeds the problem? The implication is that a council employee just scans “Fix my Street “ for reports, marks em as “fixed” then ignores the issues raised?
State changed to: Open
Posted anonymously at 23:39, Monday 6 January 2025
Also if you come from trafalgar road there are no signs by the Angerstein hotel etc telling you there is a LTN coming up, you actually drive under the bridge before you see the only sign, you cannot turn right into station crescent if not you will be fined so you have to slam brakes on and do a 3 point turn with the bridge behind you. No thought has gone into these songs and camera placements utterly pointless and unnecessary- all to catch people out and make money
Posted anonymously at 14:31, Friday 10 January 2025
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