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Inadequate signage likely to cause accidents

Reported via mobile in the Road traffic signs category anonymously at 22:01, Sun 1 December 2024

Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6807156.

The LTN signage prohibiting a left turn at peak hours by westbound vehicles from Old Dover Road into Langton Way at the mini roundabout is dangerously incompetent. There is no early warning of the recent prohibition as you approach the junction. The signage (which is wordy and misleading) is obscured by another 20mph traffic sign and not visible until you commit to the turn. This will result, at best, in drivers receiving penalty notices, and at worse, in collisions as drivers change tack at the last minute at an already hazardous junction.

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  • State changed to: Fixed

    Updated by Royal Borough of Greenwich at 11:44, Mon 2 December 2024

  • How bizarre? I reported this dangerously inadequate new street signage at 10pm Sunday, and by 11.44am, the Local Authority changed its state to “Fixed”? Nothing has been fixed; as today’s photos (from 100 metres and 10 metres east of the hazard) demonstrate. No advance warning of a peak time No Left Turn, whose signage is near invisible until after drivers commit to turn at an already hazardous mini-roundabout from Old Dover Rd into Langton Way.

    Posted anonymously at 10:48, Thu 5 December 2024

  • This is not fixed and is a dangerous sign to put on such a small round about with no pre warnings from either side. You will either not see it or crash trying to read it.

    If you're actually come out of St Johns park road, the sign also doesn't make sense as now you can't come out of that road onto the main road.

    Posted anonymously at 20:50, Mon 16 December 2024

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