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Street cleaning leaves and rubbish

Reported via mobile in the Street Spillage category anonymously at 23:41, Friday 29 November 2024

Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6802273.

The street has not been cleaned for weeks the amount of leaves is unbelievable. All from LBG trees. And rubbish everywhere. The pavements are dangerous as underneath the leaves is broken paving etc

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  • This is the state of the road after they they have been apparently they don't have a broom. So only half a job done. One operator stated that this us the worse street due to the trees do it doesn't get done very often. Not a good advert. Still wet leaves on a hill. A trip hazard

    Posted anonymously at 13:58, Monday 2 December 2024

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