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Repeated bags of nappies and food waste

Reported via mobile in the Fly Tipping category anonymously at 14:53, Thursday 31 October 2024

Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6680625.

For several weeks there have been the same types of bags and rubbish left on the street which gets torn apart by foxes and now there are rats in the neighbourhood. The bags contain a large amount of recyclable containers, takeaway food and baby nappies containing human excrement which can be seen on the street. I have removed 6 bags to prevent the spread but now another has been left and the council must help me and find the culprit and educate them. In addition, there are no public bins in the area around Westcombe Park station car park and there is a lot of littering constantly, sometimes thrown off the pedestrian bridge. Please install bins. As a resident of Mayston Mews this is making life miserable and anger is rising.

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    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Royal Borough of Greenwich at 06:33, Wednesday 6 November 2024

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