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Restricted walkway

Reported via mobile in the Pavements/Footpaths Repairs category anonymously at 11:05, Friday 25 October 2024

Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6657338.

Restricted walkway. The pathway in Elizabeth terrace has bicycle restrictions. But being a gent with a full figure I couldn't pass them! I had just come out from my physiotherapy session and wanted to make a shortcut to Eltham High Street. I had to duck underneath the restricted walkway to carry on with my journey the gap is approximately 33 cm to get through.

I spoke to a lady with a pram to warn her about it. She said she can now pass it after having her baby!!! Please address this.

Thank you.

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  • State changed to: Fixed

    Updated by Royal Borough of Greenwich at 13:37, Friday 1 November 2024

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