Excessive littering
Reported via iOS in the Blocked Roadside Gully category anonymously at 18:38, Tuesday 3 September 2024
Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6432701.
Business dumping rubbish on Fletching. Coupled with their customers littering after they have consumed what they’ve bought. There are also large gas cylinders (laughing gas) on the other side of the street.
Disgusting pile of waste left directly on the pavement. Premises in this street should also be advised by yourselves that bins shouldn’t be left all the time on the pavement, but kept on their premises and taken out only on collection day as everyone else. Trust you will deal with this issue which is health and safety in such a residential area.
Posted anonymously at 13:04, Wednesday 4 September 2024
Disgusting pile of waste left directly on the pavement. Premises in this street should also be advised by yourselves that bins shouldn’t be left all the time on the pavement, but kept on their premises and taken out only on collection day as everyone else. Trust you will deal with this issue which is health and safety in such a residential area.
Posted anonymously at 13:45, Wednesday 4 September 2024
While I fully support the businesses on The Village B210 road they need to make sure their rubbish is not left on Fletching Rd for the foxes to drag all over the place, but in the big bins provided. Fletching rd is an environmental disaster area in terms of rubbish. Please can the Council provide extra bins and put up notices on lamp posts encouraging people to dispose of their rubbish in a resposible way, If this ahppens, everyone will benefit except the rats and foxes.
State changed to: Fixed
Posted anonymously at 20:07, Tuesday 1 October 2024
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