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Fly tipped rubbish STILL at start of Churchbury road

Reported via mobile in the Fly Tipping category anonymously at 17:59, Thu 11 April 2024

Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5840616.

No idea from where you've apparently removed fly tipped rubbish from. Left out since monday night-refused/ignored by bin men and again on Tuesday bin collection. So left for close by residents to live with filth - again. You’ve replied to both reports on here that it’s been fixed. The massive cardboard box filled with rubbish is still there along with all the rubbish that’s been picked from it and strewn about by foxes. Same house hold constantly does it including bucket of excrement last time. Which again your operatives had trouble locating even when you were given precise details of where it was dumped and took at least 2 1/2 days to remove. They dump the stuff away from their own home knowing bin men won’t take it. And when it is not picked up by bin men they move it further away on pavement next to other neighbours. Who then have to put up with the filth. This road is constantly left with residents dumped rubbish. Which is completely ignored by the council. TO BE CLEAR IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO READ THE LOCATION. ITS TOP (LOW NUMBERS) OF CHURCHBURY ROAD - OPPOSITE CHURCH

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  • State changed to: Fixed

    Updated by Royal Borough of Greenwich at 07:53, Fri 12 April 2024

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