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Fly tipping on woolwich common

Reported via mobile in the Fly Tipping category anonymously at 13:50, Wed 10 April 2024

Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5834612.

Somebody seems to have tipped several waste loads of large rubbish (including a child’s slide) combined with tree and hedge cuttings on the common. The big loads of rubbish are up the track behind the central area, so are not clearly visible from the main common. On the main open area there is also a fair bit of domestic rubbish from the traveller site that was there recently. However I did notice a van on the site advertising rubbish removal for a price. It seems that this was used for a few jobs and each job has been unloaded onto the common, round the back. It is dangerous and unsightly, and way beyond what the small group of volunteers can handle. It’s been there about a week at least. Thank you.

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  • MOD land

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Royal Borough of Greenwich at 06:32, Thu 11 April 2024

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