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Large tree branch came down in winds and rain

Reported via mobile in the Trees category anonymously at 23:03, Monday 1 April 2024

Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5792847.

There is a large tree branch fell in the road, around 10 days ago now in the winds and rain. The tree is diseased and not been cut in about 2 plus years. The base was covered in tarmac last year and so water is not able to reach the roots from above. The tree branch is now laying in the parking bays opposite where the paving rubble has been dumped.

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  • Very Large tree branch has now been cleared from parking area, but there is some small branches now hanging from the tree after the rain, more branches are dropping. The tree needs looking, it is obviously weak. Before any more larger branches come down and either hit anyone walking on the pavement or a car parked underneath in the bay. Due to the continuous bad weather I don't like to think what will happen!

    Posted anonymously at 10:26, Friday 5 April 2024

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