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We have been told stop using the bin store

Reported via desktop in the Litter Bin category anonymously at 11:08, Thursday 4 January 2024

Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5392448.

I have not had this bin emptied since I started using it in October. I put leaves and food in it. As you can see the bread is completely moldy. I had a problem with the black top bin and that was eventually resolved. I have complained to RBG by phone and by via the online form. I was told by an operative "We have no reason to believe that the has not been collected" as you can see it has a lot of food waste in it. I was told to use the black bin if the green been is full. There are insects crawling in the green bin, so I'm not using it all at the moment.

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  • This issue will be resolved during the next, scheduled, weekly cleanse.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Royal Borough of Greenwich at 11:13, Thursday 4 January 2024

  • They have been telling me this for weeks and it has not been collected. I'm not very hopeful. It's supposed to a weekly collection, so why has it not been collected before?

    Posted by Deborah Rock at 11:06, Friday 5 January 2024

  • Thus problem has not been fixed/solved. The same rubbish is in the bin and some. What is the point of this if it’s not going to be properly followed up. You have the photo evidence here. They are not coming around the corner to our bins. This is a serious health hazard.

    Posted anonymously at 10:26, Monday 8 January 2024

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