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Light Pollution from St Nicholas Flood lights

Reported via mobile in the Street lighting category anonymously at 21:01, Tue 28 November 2023

Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5263015.

St Nicholas flats have undergone a refurbishment of their lighting and have replaced their halogen floodlights with LED floodlights. These lights are extremely bright and are pointing directly into the bedrooms of Gilbert House on the Ground and 1st floors directly across the road causing an extreme amount of light pollution. Even with curtains and blinds drawn, light is still leaking through.

The contractors and organisers did not consult with the residents of Gilbert House to ensure the lights were not intrusive. The lights should either be adjusted to point towards the courtyard which I believe would be the original intention or have a guard/shield installed to stop the light being beamed into the bedrooms.

Please see images provided, identifying the locations of the floodlights in question on the side of St Nicholas house. I also attach an image of the extreme light coming into a bedroom.

Could you please arrange for these lights to adjusted or replaced as this is impacting people being able to sleep at night.

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  • State changed to: Fixed

    Updated by Royal Borough of Greenwich at 13:43, Wed 29 November 2023

  • Why has this been marked fixed with no response? This issue is still outstanding.

    Posted anonymously at 22:06, Wed 29 November 2023

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