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Blocked gully/drain

Reported via desktop in the Blocked Roadside Gully category anonymously at 09:47, Wed 15 November 2023

Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5213860.

During rain this has now started sending a river of water onto the pavement via the dropped kerb and then cascading into neighbouring properties. Due to either: 1) blocked drain - residents have cleared each time 2) inadequate road cleaning meaning leaves and debris are swept over the gully and block it 3) a larger attenuation issue with large flows of water being channelled through the dropped kerb and into properties.

Please look into ASAP as residents are having to clean drains, divert water and clean up flooded gardens and garages.

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  • State changed to: Fixed

    Updated by Royal Borough of Greenwich at 06:50, Mon 27 November 2023

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