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Furniture and black bin bags dumped

Reported via mobile in the Fly Tipping category anonymously at 23:15, Sat 4 November 2023

Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5175070.

Someone's dumped what appears to be a wardrobe as well as black bin bags on the grass at the end of Avocet Mews

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  • Still there, and has been added to. It is one household responsible for this, and several previous tips here. They don't seem to understand what a wheelie bin is, and are using the grass as a rubbish dump. Now the local foxes have ripped open the black bags, and rubbish has been blowing all over the place, including items with the names and address of the offenders.

    This whole situation is getting extremely infuriating, I'm getting really sick of opening my front door and seeing a load of shit strewn all over the place! Even worse is that when it does get reported, it only seems that it finally gets resolved once council officers have got bored of doing fuck all! I reported this seven days ago, and not even a 'thanks, we'll clear it soon'. The household responsible has already been reported to your envirocrime team for a previous tip. What have you done? Fuck all! And a day or two after you eventually clear it, there's yet another pile of shit to replace it from the same people!

    If the council can pull their finger out, you'll see the names and addresses of the offenders in this rubbish. The house in question has a doorbell camera. That will show the offenders dumping the rubbish. You have to power to fixed penalty notices or to prosecute. You have vans and staff to pick rubbish up. WHY IS THIS SO DIFFICULT FOR YOU TO DO?

    Posted anonymously at 20:45, Sat 11 November 2023

  • State changed to: Fixed

    Updated by Royal Borough of Greenwich at 08:55, Mon 13 November 2023

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