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Abandoned car - BMW 1 Series, no plates, broken driverside window, glass on footpath

Reported via desktop in the Abandoned vehicles category anonymously at 18:31, Thu 19 October 2023

Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5115176.

Abandoned car (BMW 1 Series, dark grey/blue) on Thames path footpath, W boundary corner of Intercontinental Hotel car park. Number plates have been removed, window broken. Reported to concierge at IC Hotel to inform police approx 1800h 19 Oct 2023..

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  • Please accept this response as acknowledgement that it has been received. All enquiries relating to abandoned/untaxed vehicles will be investigated fully. The Local Authority can take Enforcement action on a vehicle parked on a public road if its tax has expired for more than 2 calendar months and 1 day. The Local Authority has no powers to remove vehicles with no insurance or MOT, this is a Police matter and can be reported to pu/ contact-the-police/ . If the land on which the abandoned vehicle is located is occupied, the local authority must give the occupier a minimum of 7 days and if on private land 15 days’ notice is required to confirm that they propose to remove the vehicle. The local authority is not entitled to remove the vehicle if the occupier objects to the proposal.

    Posted by Royal Borough of Greenwich at 18:31, Thu 19 October 2023

  • Questionnaire filled in by problem reporter

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 20:26, Thu 16 November 2023

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