Fly tip foxes have spread across the path
Reported via mobile in the Fly Tipping category anonymously at 10:59, Sat 9 September 2023
Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4975125.
Fly tip has been here for over 2 weeks and the foxes are spreading it further.
There’s a sign up for fly tipping and prosecution etc but it still keeps happening. I’ve installed a security camera to my garage for future prosecution which I intend on sending for any future incidents. I’ve had enough of the constant relentlessness of fly tipping
This is the second time I've reported this disgusting fly tip, there are flies around it and because you haven't cleaned up this mess, it encourages more fly tipping. If this isn't cleared, I will post the photos else where.
Posted anonymously at 19:52, Wed 13 September 2023
Second fly tip. If this doesn’t get cleared up soon I’m going to the local MP. This is getting ridiculous now. Was reported well over 3 weeks ago. Nothings changed. There’s just more being added. Numerous people have reported it with no action being taken. This is supposed to be a royal borough.
Utterly disgraceful
Posted anonymously at 21:09, Wed 20 September 2023
State changed to: Fixed
Updated by Royal Borough of Greenwich at 07:12, Wed 27 September 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.